Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pakistan's Attempt at Counterterrorism

Pakistan is not exactly attempting a coordinated counterinsurgency campaign. Instead, they continue to only use retaliatory attacks using conventional forces.

This ultimately puts the population in the center of the crossfire, as Pakistan troops bent on destroying the Islamist militants use all available means to destroy the enemies.

This is based partly upon training that is based on a nightmare scenario in which Pakistan goes to war with India. Both states possess nuclear weapons and have been at odds over Kashmir for decades.

However, Pakistan is not coordinating a campaign that will rid their FATA region and the Northwestern Territories of al-Qai'da and Taliban militants. Their "enemy-centric" form of violent conventional warfare may undermine the "population-centric" strategy that the US military has only recently implemented.

My papers "A 21st Century Framework of Counterinsurgency" will tackle transnational and global insurgency and my paper "Pakistan's Folly" deals with the inadequacies of Pakistan's effort to thwart the Neo-Taliban insurgents in gaining ground in the mountains of Pakistan.

Please refer to my essays on the right, or check out this new article from The Economist:

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